My whole life I’ve felt like an outsider; like I didn’t fit into a particular box, like I didn’t belong to a particular tribe.
The fact is that I’m:
Too foreign to be British but too British to be foreign
Too eccentric to be normal but too normal to be eccentric
Too conservative to be liberal but too liberal to be conservative
Too beta to be alpha but too alpha to be beta
Too brown to be white but too white to be brown
And in there lies the dichotomy that is me.

However, I’ve realised that I’m not the only person that feels like this.
Perhaps you feel the same way? A person living a hyphenated life; a hybrid.
I’ve also realised that this dichotomy is not a burden but in fact an incredible strength. Being a hybrid is a superpower that makes us unique.
This is why I’ve decided to focus my energy on creating content celebrating and exploring the themes of living in the hyphen and being caught between two worlds. I am embracing being at the intersection of two identities and creating content that will exemplify stories of worlds colliding; creating not destruction but beauty and hybridity.
As an audience member, I hope that you can be part of my movement. I am looking to build a community of hybrids that collectively embrace being between two parts. Together we are strong. Together we can find a home.
As Aristotle put it, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
And that wisdom extends into our professional, as well as our personal, life.